Social Studies

Social ​Studies Standard 1: 

​Demonstrates knowledge of the social and physical environments in which they live.

Recognizes the beginning and end of an event.

  • When the clean-up song begins, Emma looks up at the teacher and then begins singing along as she stops the art activity she was working on and puts the scissors back into the bin.
  • When the music stops, Chris sits back down on the carpet.
  • Mykala claps at the end of a song.
  • When William finishes his crackers and juice, he throws away his trash and then tells a friend, “I'm done! Let's go to the Art Center."

Recalls information about the immediate past.

  • At the end of the day the teacher asks Eddie what he liked most about the day.  Eddie responds, “Painting at the easel."
  • During reflection time after free play, Bethany recalls, “I was building with the blocks and Kyra knocked them down."

Recognizes family and/or classroom events that happened in the past.

  • When the teacher asks Clarice about the doll she brought from home, Clarice replies, “This is my mommy's doll.  She played with it when she was a baby."
  • Shavon points to a photo of his mom in an Army uniform and says, “My mom was in the Army and now she came back home."
  • Pointing to the project work hanging on the wall, Amelia says, “I remember when we did that!  I made a huge bubble with the straw."

Considers how people, other living creatures and physical features of objects in the environment change over time.

  • Noah excitedly reports to others, “Look at my plant! It got big!"
  • “There's no leaves on the tree," Leia comments when looking at pictures of her house in the summer and in the winter.
  • Ava points to Jayden's baby photo and asks him, “Is that you?"
  • Ellie listens to her teacher tell a story about when she went to preschool as a little girl and asks, “Were you four like me?"
  • After working on the same block structure for the second day, Wyatt exclaims, “Wow! Now it really looks like a castle."

Describes or represents two or three events in the correct sequence.

  • Sarah tells about a trip to McDonalds that she remembers, saying “I ate chicken nuggets and climbed on the toys."
  • Mario's teacher sits with him to discuss what he did during morning's center time. He chooses pictures for three centers and places them on his picture board in the order that he visited each: first technology, then blocks, then sand and water.
  • Lee says, “After circle time we have work time, then lunch."
  • Using the flannel board pieces, Adria acts out the story, The Three Little Pigs, in the correct order.

Uses some general terms related to the elements of time.

  • “Today is preschool day," says Conner.
  • Avery says to a friend, “Let's feed the babies now."
  • Andre says, “Tomorrow I am going to the zoo."
  • When the morning meeting draws to a close, Miguel looks at the picture schedule posted on the wall and says, “Centers are next."
  • Addison asks the teacher, “Do we go outside after Rest Time?"
  • Nicole says, “On cartoon day I'm going to Grandma's house."

Describes activities and/or events that are planned or typically happen a short time ahead/in the near future.

  • Jaxon points to the picture of the playground on his communication board and the teacher responds, “Yes, you're right! We will go to the playground after we clean up."
  • “After lunch we will sing songs," says DaJun.
  • As Max arrives, he tells the teacher, “I'm going on the bus home."
  • Max tells a teacher, “I can't wait 'til my birthday!"​

Recognizes and/or describes characteristics of familiar places.

  • Ryan looks carefully for a blue crayon that is the color of his home.
  • Running onto the playground, Abby points to the cement path and says, “This is where we ride our bikes."
  • Dominick says, “There's finger paint in the art center and a dump truck in the block center."
  • Steven tells his friend at preschool about the playground in his neighborhood by describing what he likes to do there. 
  • Sofia suggests adding “money", a “cash register" and “pizza boxes" to the class list of things they need to make a pizza restaurant.

Recognizes and/or uses objects to represent familiar places.

  • Cory puts house and store shapes on the flannel board.
  • Jamal uses a “Where are we chart" (chart shows activities locations), by moving a symbol to the place where he is going next.
  • Tameka uses blocks and signs to represent her street and home.
  • Paisley draws a large yellow “M", cuts it out, puts it on her building and says, “I made McDonald's!"

Shows interest in using geographic tools such as maps, globes, charts, and compasses.

  • Caleb and Kyra drive their cars and trucks on the “road map" rug in the block center.
  • Angie asks her friend, “Where do we live?" when looking at the globe.
  • Sylvia shares a compass her Dad used on a camping and hiking trip during small group time.
  • Ben shows his teacher where the block area is on a drawing the teacher made of their classroom.
  • Phillipe and Marcus drew a treasure map chart after hiding several toy dinosaurs in the block center.​

Recognizes that sometimes there are not enough toys or materials for everyone.

  • “I want to ride that," says Clinton, pointing to the tricycles that are all taken on the playground.
  • Anthony says to the teacher, “I want to play with the car, but Mark has it."
  • Joe passes out milk cartons and begins to cry when he sees that there are not enough for every child to have one.

Trades objects with someone else.

  • In the Art Area, Mason says, “Give me the red crayon and I'll give you this green crayon."
  • Rashonda says, “I'll let you play with my truck if you give me the firefighter's hat."

Recognizes that money is used to purchase things.

  • Elizabeth says, “I got a dollar for my birthday.  I'm going to buy a new book."
  • In the housekeeping center, Brian plays “grocery store" with Mykala and uses play money and the cash register as they “buy" groceries.   
  • “We get ice cream there," says Travis pointing to the familiar picture of an ice cream shop in his neighborhood.  “You have to give them dollars."
  • Tara gives John two “dollars" and John gives her the ball while they are shopping in a pretend play store.​
P-ATL 2.

Child follows classroom rules and routine​s with increasing independence.

P-ATL 3.

Child appropriately handles and takes care of classroom materials.

​ P-ATL 4.

Child manages actions, words, and behavior with increasing independence.

Follows routines that have been explained to them.

  • Follows routines that have been explained to them.
  • As the teacher gree​ts Oliver holding up 3 pictorial greeting cards, Oliver chooses the Elbow ​Bump greeting and greets his teacher accordingly.
  • After the teacher points to the picture illustrating the 3 steps to follow for feeding the class pet, Toby begins with the first step.
  • Max finishes at the computer, looks at the Turn Taking List with the teacher, and then gets Sarah for her turn on the computer.
  • Pedro cleans up when finishing an art activity. 

Follows rules with reminders and practice.

  • After talking about the need to slow down as she moves around the room, Michelle's therapist watches her practice rolling her wheelchair slowly around the classroom so she doesn't bump into things.
  • As Ryker talks to the class, Khloe begins to talk.  The teacher reminds Khloe to “Use your listening ears." and Khloe begins to listen again.
  • When Oscar notices his friend playing in the block area, he jumps up and starts to leave the art area. When his teacher signs “Clean up," Oscar returns to the art area, puts the materials away, and then goes to the block area to join his friend.
  • Owen illustrates what “walking feet inside" looks like for the class as he walks to line up at the door and then walks back to the carpet.
  • As Elie walks with the scissors to the table she says to the teacher, “I'm being safe."

Describes rules that are important in different settings or situations.

  • Sue says, “I have to use my inside voice in the room." 
  • Jillian says, “Grandma doesn't make me rest after lunch."
  • While the children are lining up to go on the playground, Isabella announces, “No running! We can only run on the playground."

Follows rules appropriate for the situation with limited guidance.

  • Nina uses outside play equipment appropriately with little supervision.
  • Cami leads the line to the outside door of the building, stops and waits for her teacher.​​
​ P-SE 11.

Child has sense of belonging to family, community, and other ​groups.

Name family members and their relationship to self.

  • Cami brings in a family photo and “introduces" each family member during sharing time.
  • When asked to draw a picture of his family, Juan draws his mom, dad, and sister.
  • Dante says, “I live with my daddy and my brother."

Describes own role and the roles of others in own family.

  • Belinda says, “I have to pick up my toys before I go to bed."
  • Julie says, “I am the sister at my house."
  • While setting the table in dramatic play, Misha says, “I have to put the forks and napkins on the table at my house."
  • Adam says, “My daddy cooks supper and mommy washes the dishes."  

Identifies similarities and differences between roles and relationships within one's own family with other families.

  • While listening to the book Families, Families, Families, Mia responds excitedly, “I have a stepbrother, too!"
  • Jayla tells Ahmad that her sister reads stories to her and is amazed that Ahmad does not have a sister.
  • Kareem tells Annie, “My mom waters the plants, just like your mom!"
  • Dante says, “I live with my daddy and my brother. Ari lives with his nana."

Recognizes that different people have different roles and jobs in the community. 

  • In the dramatic play area, Caroline picks up the briefcase and says, "​I'm going to work."
  • When seeing a firefighter in uniform, Felicia says, "The fireman puts out fires."
  • Caleb puts on a lab coat and gives his stuffed animal a pretend shot and band aid.
  • Micah tells his teacher about his Daddy's work and what he does there.
  • As Karen passes out mail from the classroom mailbox, she says, "Mail for delivery!"

Describes characteristics of oneself.

  • Isabella says, “I have lots of red hair."
  • While working on his self-portrait, Elijah asks for the brown marker so he can color his eyes brown.
  • “Watch me! I can run really fast", says Harper as she bolts onto the playground.
  • Jalen tells Ms. Linda, “I can pick up my baby sister.  My Dad says I'm strong."
  • Olivia draws a picture of a strawberry and a slice of pizza on the “My Favorite Foods" page in her All About Me book.

Identifies and respects similarities and differences between self and others.

  • Nicole notices that Molly's skin is brown.
  • Jenny says, “My eyes are blue and your eyes are brown."  
  • “Franklin likes pizza.  I do too," says Cari.   
  • Kimmy says, “I have blue eyes and my brother has blue eyes."
  • Jack says, “Eddie rides in a wheelchair and I walk. We both go to the playground though."  

Recognizes that people identify their gender differently.

  • Yolanda says, “I'm a girl like Mommy." 
  • Cindy says, “Only girls can come into the treehouse." 
  • “I'm a girl," says Emily, “and Chen and Isaac are boys." 

Recognizes and respects that people differ in their cultural traditions such as language, dress, food, and other aspects of their lives.

  • Arriving in the morning, Tasha tells her Mom that Carlos speaks Spanish.
  • Melissa sings, “Hola" and “Jambo" during the “Hello" song.
  • Bentley states, “We do that at my house" during a story about a traditional celebration.
  • As Rosa's grandmother makes guacamole with a small group of children, Jackson says, “We don't make that at my home."
  • Mitch says, “Eduardo says uno, dos, tres.  I say one, two, three."
  • Bryce signs, “I love you." to his mother as she leaves.  Emily asks, “What did you tell your mom?"​